FOR COMPLETE REVERSE LOGISTICS Up-cycle PORTAL | Retail, Financial, Manufacturing,up-cycle,data destroy, data deguas & more, | Solution for every business. Size Does Not Matter. We focus on the highest recovery value for every client.

Nascorpsusa is a pioneering firm that seamlessly merges creativity and functionality to redefine architectural excellence.


Nascorpsusa offers a convenient drop-off location for all parts of countrys business and residential disposal of electronic waste in a responsible manner. We also offer free ewaste pick-up services for businesses, schools, non-profit organizations, or government agencies which retiring large volume computer equipment.


Nascorps provide IT / decomission ing/ setup services : pan-america with our vetted tech partnerns globally economical cost with compliant process as pirotiy.


Up-cycling IT Ewaste Item

  • The following items are free to up-cycle:
  • Televisions
  • Computer Monitors
  • Desktop Computers
  • Laptops
  • Cell Phones

We also recycle printers, and other miscellaneous electronics

Contact Us for pricing on any other items.


Who can Up-Cyling

The following groups may up cycle for free:

  • Households
  • Non-Profit Organizations
  • Schools Grades K-12
  • Small Business with less than 50 Employees
  • Small Governments

What is Secure IT Asset Disposition (SITAD) For Enterprise

An end-to-end way to manage the lifecycle of your company’s IT assets in a secure & sustainable way


  • Up-cycle: Support company environmental goals.
  • IT Asset Remarketing:: Maximise return on investment for IT assets and minimise total cost of ownership.
  • Secure destruction: Ensure complete data security through a secure chain of custody.
  • Lease Return Services: Lease schedules are monitored and assets that are at the end of lease are itemised, wiped of all data, and returned to the lessor.

How it works

1. Contact a Secure ITAD expert
2. Discover your ITAD project & requirements
3. Consultive project creation
4. Perform required services
5. Receive a certificate of destruction & recyclin

What is IT Asset Disposition (ITAD)?

Secure IT asset disposal (ITAD or SITAD) or IT equipment disposal is the process of disposing of IT assets such as computers, servers, laptops and mobile devices in a secure and environmentally responsible manner. The goal of ITAD is to ensure sensitive data is permanently erased through certified data destruction, and equipment is up-cycled, refurbished, remarketed, or destroyed in a way that minimises impact on the environment.

The ITAD process involves a number of steps, including but not limited to:

  • Computer and PC disposal
  • Certified data destruction
  • IT asset up-cycle & destruction
  • Tape destruction
  • Up-cycle & disposal services
  • IT equipment disposal

Be it up-cycle, remarketing or disposal, our experts at nascorpsusa can help you decommission your IT assets responsibly, securely, and sustainably.